Since we began offering web-sites using WordPress open source content management software, we have seen exceptional gains in Google search results.
Using the free on-line evaluation tool at to compare results, we have seen significant improvements for sites that changed from plain HTML to using WordPress.
For example, we converted the plain HTML web-site for into a WordPress site. We retained and re-used all of the original content. The original HTML version of the web-site scored 10 at WebSiteGrader. After converting to WordPress, the site scored 75.
For the Law Offices of Peter Grubea, the results were even more dramatic. The original 10-page HTML site also scored 10 at WebSiteGrader. After adding 100 pages of content, blog posting and plug-ins, the site scored 94. The result is that the site consistently ranks at the top of Google searches.
Sites created in WordPress achieve these fantastic results purely through the quality of the web-pages, not through any tricks or shortcuts. If you have a poorly performing site that isn’t showing up in Google searches, contact us about getting it converted to WordPress to improve your search results.